You are invited to participate in a research study on digital and physical goods. The purpose of the study is to understand beliefs and preferences about digital and physical goods. If you volunteer to participate in this study, you will be asked to answer survey questions.
Your participation will take approximately 5 minutes.
There are minimal risks to you from taking part in this research. As with all research, there is a chance that confidentiality could be compromised; however, we are taking precautions to minimize this risk. We cannot and do not guarantee or promise that you will receive any benefits from this study, other than payment. It is our hope that the research will benefit the scientific community and lead to a greater understanding of individual decision making. Your decision whether or not to participate in this study will not affect your activities on Lucid.
For answering the survey questions, you will receive up to $2 after deducting your individualized fees to Lucid. In addition, you may be eligible for an additional bonus payment based on your performance and responses to particular questions.. You can expect to receive an additional payment in 2 weeks after finishing this survey. If you are eligible for an additional payment, you will see details in the survey.
If you have read this form and have decided to participate in this project, please understand your participation is voluntary and you have the right to withdraw your consent or discontinue participation at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. The alternative is not to participate. You have the right to refuse to answer particular questions. The results of this research study may be presented at scientific or professional meetings or published in scientific journals. Your individual privacy will be maintained in all published and written data resulting from the study.
Your private information collected as part of the research, even if identifiers are removed, will not be used or distributed for future research studies.
Questions: If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this research, its procedures, risks and benefits, contact the Protocol Director, Jae Joon Lee, at (909) 407-0827 or by email.
If you are not satisfied with how this study is being conducted, or if you have any concerns, complaints, or general questions about the research or your rights as a participant, please contact the Stanford Institutional Review Board (IRB) to speak to someone independent of the research team at (650)-723-2480 or toll free at 1-866-680-2906, or email at You can also write to the Stanford IRB, Stanford University, 1705 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306.