Stanford University
Dan Sholler

Dan Sholler

Project Scientist

Dan Sholler studies what happens when organizations and industries rapidly adopt new technologies. He primarily uses qualitative methods (interviewing, observation, surveys, and archival research) to understand why some workers resist new technologies; how management practices influence technology outcomes; and what role organizational and governmental policies play in shaping the decisions organizations and workers make about using new technologies.

Dan’s research aims to inform technology and labor management strategies, technology governance frameworks, and theories of technological change, especially change that happens in the workplace. He presents the results of the research in academic and practitioner-oriented outlets.

Dan is currently working as a project scientist in the Technology Management Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara College of Engineering. He works with Dr. Matt Beane and studies the implementation, management, and labor implications of robotics and automation in the manufacturing and logistics industries.

He is also the principal investigator on a project documenting the histories of two open-source software languages via oral histories and archival research, supported by the Sloan Foundation. He has also worked as a postdoc with the rOpenSci Project at UC Berkeley’s Institute for Data Science; completed the PhD program and did research at the University of Texas at Austin School of Information; and studied at the University of Pennsylvania’s Department of History and Sociology of Science.

Stanford University